Global Silicone Trends 2024

The insights

Silicone community eager to be stronger by means of this international conference

HERE comes the 7-year-old Advanced Chemical Materials Institution (ACMI), which specializes in the research and development of silicone-based materials and products in Greater China. ACMI serves its customers with silicone industry policies, industry standardization, chemical engineering plans and consulting, market trend research, exposition, symposium & seminar, media promotion to name a few, 80% business partners out of which have been in the long-term service of ACMI.

THERE goes the Global Silicone Trends 2024 to be located in Dusseldorf, Germany, from 25 to 27 September, matching to a moderate-size exhibition for the selected silicone products and a site visit to several local producers of silicone materials. The 2-day event represents the marvellous opportunity when the networking is acquired with those stakeholders, experts, consultants, producers, traders and consumers etc. in the silicone industry from different countries but in the same place.


"It's high time to revive the business opportunities for the sake of silicone industry players in the survival from Covid-19. We feel honoured and excited to be hosting the ACMI Global Silicone Trends in 2024 in Germany. We welcome all attendees in Dusseldorf - the brilliant city not only in Germany but the European continent. We say many thanks to all the other hosts and promoters in collaboration for such an anticipated event. And we hunger for this gorgeous time in which the participants can be made acquaintances to one another in the ambience of feeling at home."

-- Brant Bai